Register your interest.

GeoSnipe and Kharne are working away in the background trying to bring you something we think is going to be REALLY COOL.

We would love if you could come on this journey with us, so we want to start building a following for our new adventure.

If you are interested in all things LAN, esports, and community gaming events in general, I think you would be pretty safe to drop a cheeky little email in the box below, tick the marketing box (this bit is important for mandatory marketing shenanigans) and click the shiny button…

For more information on how your data will be used by the LANCraft marketing team… Geo… see our Privacy Policy.

Warning: if you do not tick the box before pressing the button we can’t send you things!

If you would like to support us getting up and running, please consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign!